Batter jump starter

Batter jump starter, many car friends are familiar with batter jump starter, but do we know about it? We rarely know how batter jump starter works.
Batter jump starter, also known as starter or electronic starter, is an ignition device for motor vehicles or electric vehicles, used to start the vehicle. It drives the starter rotor to rotate through electromagnetic induction, and the small gear on the rotor drives the engine flywheel to rotate, thereby driving the crankshaft to rotate and start the vehicle.
The batter jump starter consists of a neon bulb and a small capacitor equipped with a fixed static contact and a moving contact made of a thermal bimetallic sheet. When the electromagnet coil circuit is connected, the relay contacts are closed, and the attraction coil and the holding coil current circuit are connected at the same time, thereby starting the vehicle.
In recent years, with the development of technology, batter jump starter have also been constantly innovating. For example, the car start/start-stop lithium battery series launched by YESPER has higher safety, energy density and longer cycle life. In addition, there are portable battery starters, also known as car starting power supplies or Jump Starters.
Batter jump starter are very important in our lives. Imagine that when we are driving on any road and the car cannot start, if we have a spare batter jump starter in our car, it will quickly help us start the vehicle and solve the problem we encounter.
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